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Kasia Zarzycka

//Theatre Arts //Performance

//August 2024

As a Polish artist, based in the Netherlands, educated in the US, who takes much inspiration from Latin American artists, Kasia Zarzycka creates polyphonic scenic works that blend various languages and geographies. Working between broadly understood theater arts and performance, she takes inspirations from history, literature and personal stories to explore the topics of politics of memory and creation of historical narratives. Her main interests lie in juxtaposing the officially recognized, memorialized histories of the place with the stories of the people who inhabit it. As a graduate from Harvard College with the diploma in Theater, Dance and Media and Comparative Literature, she uses the comparative approach to showcase the similarities and differences in the way history and memory are used in politics, but through the lens of theater. She writes her own texts, using pop-culture references, archival documents, autobiography and excerpts from interviews. Currently, she is a Masters student in the Home of Performance Practices at ArtEZ University in  Arnhem, Netherlands.

EL Boga Residence

In Mompox, Kasia wants to critically examine the memorialized colonial history of the city, as visible in the monuments, plaques and wall inscriptions and explore what other stories, not included in the guidebooks, that space holds. What and who is commemorated in the physical space of the city? How can hi/stories of the ordinary (or extraordinary) lives be incorporated into its architecture? The project will take a form of a site-specific installation with the elements of live performance. During her residency, Kasia will conduct conversations and interviews with the members of the Mompox community, young and old, as well as conduct theater workshops for kids and teenagers.




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