We concluded our first Yoga & Poetry Workshop with the presence of Mompox poets Carlos E. Restrepo, Dagoberto Rodríguez and Marlene Quiroz. The week-long workshop combined yoga sessions, led by instructors Ezgi Gungor (Australian) and Jean Amaya (Colombian), with poetry reading and writing sessions, under the direction of Colombian poet Yirama Castaño Güiza. The participants read poets from the region and inspired by the architecture, landscapes and the fauna of Mompox, began a "Poetic Cartography of Mompox". An audio library with poems read at the closing ceremony will soon be available on our website.
The second edition of this workshop will be held in July 2022.
For more information contact:
Ximena Escobar de Nogales
Tel +57 320 338 89 28
Whatsapp+41 78 906 30 95
Instagram el_boga_mompox