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Marcela Calderón Andrade

Winner of the Artecámara 2023 award

// Plastic Artist

// May 2024

//Cultural Manager Casa Taller El Boga September 2024- ongoing

Marcela studied visual arts at the National University (Colombia). Her work results from her interest in observing manifestations of nature as a guide that reminds us of unity and interconnection in everything that exists. Her work seeks to demonstrate through the sum of many fragilities, acts, words, or materials, the attention and care that the relationships we establish with life require.

She has participated in exhibitions such as Movimientos planetarios, mundos posibles, Artecámara, Artbo, Bogotá (2023) La fortuna della fragilità- Mattia de Luca Gallery in Rome, Italy (2022) Seven winds-Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland (2022), Sacha ukupacha, Museo arqueológico MACCO, Orellana, Ecuador (2022), Un abrazo largo Policroma galería, Medellín, Colombia (2022) Departamento temporal de los objetos, Galería Santafé. Bogotá, Colombia (2021), Matter and Time, Flora ars+natura. Bogotá, Colombia (2019) Pentandra, Galería 12:00, Bogotá, Colombia (2019). Mónica has participated in residencies such as Amant Siena (Italy), Arte actual/FLACSO (Ecuador) and Flora ars+natura (Colombia).

El Boga Residency Ceibas tutelares (Ceiba guardianship)

As part of her residency project, she will continue to collect stories that float around the ceibas, this time those of Mompox, initially tracing the annotations in the cartographic work carried out by Nómada ediciones and part of the community on five of the many ceibas that inhabit the area. The search will focus in this case on their relationship with the river - water - and fertility. She is also interested in searching for gestures, actions and daily customs in the region that are part of the practices that seek tranquillity, rest and calm and that are mediated by the landscape, the changes in temperature during the day or specific manifestations of nature.






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