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Gemma Luz Bosch

//Sound artist and ceramist

//February 2025

For me, creating a work always begins with sound research. Inspired by the sounds and movements that are already there I create site specific installations and concerts. I invite my audience to explore the boundaries of sound perception using my own made instruments. To perceive sound, you need a source that vibrates (moves) the air and someone who can perceive those vibrations: “Sound is movement”. I want to shape that movement.

In 2019, I started a meditation with clay. Creating something small every day, smaller than my own hand, without listening to music, without answering emails, without looking at my phone. A little moment, every day, creating with my own hands. At some point I thought: “this could make sound.” And since then I have not stopped exploring the sound possibilities of clay and ceramics. Surprised by the infinite possible sound textures that this natural material can produce, I have created different sound installations and instruments.

The physical aspect of sharing my work is very important; the vibrations of the sound made by the instruments/installations enter directly into the ears of the audience. Often the performances and installations take place outside, inspired by and made at/with the specific location. The sounds we (clay, water, air, musicians, mechanisms) create aren’t the center of attention. They are an excuse to open your ears to all sounds around you, to the ongoing soundscape and to experience everything you hear as part of the communal composition. Also, sometimes the sounds function as an amplification of a movement or energy that is already there, such as: wind, gravity or moving water.

'El susurro del barro' Clay Breath

What does clay sound like? What does it tell us when it comes into contact with water? Dried clay contains air. When it comes in contact with water, the air escapes towards the surface of the water and creates different sounds: what I call 'El susurro del barro' in English ‘Clay Breath’. 

With this project I invite the audience to listen to clay, an invitation to connect with this natural material and make them think about the importance of the ground and water. In collaboration with potters, the Museum of Modern Art of Medellín, Montechico foundation, el Boga casa taller and Minkalab Ceramics Research Center (CIC), in 2025 we will investigate the soil of different places in Colombia where clay found in the surrounding area has been used for centuries. Listening to the clay we investigate what are the qualities and possibilities of the material for pottery and ecological aspects such as water collection and agriculture.



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