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Renacer en Mompox, testimonio fotográfico de Patricia Montañés

Reborn in Mompox, photographic testimony of Patricia Montañés

Wonderful days, in the best company (Constanza and Laura Escobar, Tatiana Torres, Viviana Chimonquero and Titis Samper), happy to belong to the friends of "El Boga -Casa Taller-", in a town absolutely warm and with beautiful architecture and a lot of history, on the banks of the great Magdalena River and spectacular swamps, majestic trees and many beautiful birds (Palomas, Pigeons, Sparrowhawks, Pissingos, numerous Kingfishers, Garzas, Cocineras, Gallitos de Rio, Carraos (which I learned they feed on snails and sadly they commit suicide in summer), Chichafrias, Eagles, Pisingos Alcaravanes, Herons, Parrots, Caracaras, Jacanas, Turpiales, Toches and many more!

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